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Jesus is the answer to it all

Good morning WAMOE Family how are you doing on this fine morning? Are you still holding on to Jesus our Lord? The Savior and antidote of mankind, the answer to EVERY need and dilemma. Whatever your situation, good, bad and indifferent,


When I came into the full knowledge of Him, I’ve proven it time and time again. He covers my life and adult children from seen and unseen dangers, my home, my car, my money, my achievements in life, my job when I worked and anything else I forgot to mention. I communicate with Him through prayer, I worship and adore Him, He’s the lover of my soul, my joy, peace, strength and my all in all, He’s my daddy, mommy, brother, sister, friend that sticks closer than a brother.

Certainly, age 30 I’m very glad that I didn’t walk away from Him. It was when I had to make a decision about my life. Do I continue living in this strict religious environment, my mind in bondage with all its rules and regulations not in line with the word of God. So much fluff which was false teachings. The day I broke free from it, I began living. I ask God a simple question which changed my life and He placed me on a different path. I’m taught new revelations from a new and prolific teacher of the word.

Now I live in peace, I’m healed, delivered and set free from the religious chains that had bounded me for years.

Thank you Jesus I’m free in you.

I didn’t know life was so great. I’m living my best life now in Him. For those who don’t Him, please, please turn your life over to Him. He’s a guarantee that when you stay close to Him in prayer, worship, read & pray His word, live according to the teachings of the good book the Bible, especially following the examples of Jesus oh your life will NEVER be the same again. Let me stop here, because I can go on and on about Him. Here’s the Inspiration to this verse:

“Whatever your worries and stresses, Jesus is the answer. He makes the hardest affliction lighter. He carries the weight with you. Jesus is life. You need water to live, but Jesus is better than water. He fills up and makes us full. He overfills our cup with joy and gladness. He is great, kind, and fulfilling to our soul.”

Enjoy your day on purpose!


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